Author Archives: Wild Angel Films
Plague Inc: We Need A Mobile Game Rating System
Recently, I ran into a mobile game called Plague Inc. The objective is to create a plague (bacteria, virus, fungus, bio-weapon, etc.) and kill every living person on the planet. As your disease progresses, the world attempts to find a cure for your … Read More…
The Slap: Episode V “Connie”: Unfed Curiosity Is Dangerous
Not providing answers to essential questions and obscuring truth with mystery can be disastrous, especially to a confused, vulnerable and hormonal teenage girl. I don’t think it could have been possible for Connie’s mother to mishandle this situation any worse. By not providing … Read More…
A Meaningful College Conversation
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always known what was expected of me. This was especially true during my awkward high school years. Enjoying academics and study, I knew college was in my immediate future. The conversation was never whether or … Read More…
Boyhood: I Don’t Get What All The Praise Is About
Boyhood starts with an amazing premise that can catch the attention of anyone who is easily susceptible to nostalgia, or wants to see a live action diary on film. The idea that it was shot over 12 years shows the cast and staff’s … Read More…
Fighting Bullying In Online Gaming
Bullying remains a serious issue, and it’s effects are sometimes devastating. Many want to focus on anti-bullying while others want to teach their children life skills that allow them to handle bullying when it happens. Most of the focus is on daily interactions … Read More…
The Slap: Episode IV “Manolis” It’s Hard Letting Go
Manolis is a fading patriarch. He raised his son Hector and his nephew Harry, but they are grown with families of their own. Now, he finds that Harry and Hector don’t need him like they used to, so he’s found himself with a … Read More…