Category Archives: PARENTING
Well, that’s not embarrassing or anything. After being told this false creed about myself, you can imagine the dread I felt when asked to read to the class. I was a patient for Xanax in the making. I can only imagine what my mom thought … Read More…
Should We Monitor Our Children On Social Media?
Cyber-bullying is a serious concern for parents. In our current age, children can be bullied not only at school, but on social media networks. Therefore, they can be subjected to bullying with no reprieve. To help parents, there are tools dedicated to assist parents in keeping their children … Read More…
A Few Lessons From Around The World
One of the most dangerous mindsets is to believe that a certain way of doing things is the “best” way. If you start with the premise that your way is the “best” way, then you can safely conclude that there is no … Read More…
My mom was (and still is) a professional at leading me into the corner of shame. This is probably why, even as an adult, I fear the corners and prefer to take the steps instead of the elevator. One time, my brothers and … Read More…
Dealing With Holiday Stress
The Holiday Season is in full swing. We got family coming in town with varying degrees of likability, kids running around breaking things and grandparents waiting impatiently to meet their future hypothetical grandchildren. This season is filled with fun and joy, but it … Read More…
Instilling Agency: A Means To Control One’s Fate
“You believe a man can change his destiny?” “I think a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed.” (The Last Samurai) With an impending battle against insurmountable odds, Katsumoto believed his end to be decided. However, Algren made Katsumoto … Read More…